Some of our Parkinson’s partners have trouble putting on their own shoes and socks. I have been putting my husband’s shoes and socks on forever.
Amazon sells this sock slider:
When I first bought it we didn’t use it as much; I just put his socks on. However, when I had shoulder surgery and had only one hand, I found it easier and the only way I could help him put his socks on. He helped me put the sock on one side of the slider and I did the other and then he just slipped it on. So, if you bought and gave up, give it another try!
Now we have all these companies, like Skechers, putting out shoes that you can slide into without having to reach down. Here are a few examples:
Skechers Men's Summit Slip-ins: Summits - High Range
Skechers Women's Slip-ins: Summits - Dazzling Haze
My husband loves these shoes and must have 3 or 4 pairs. Lots of different styles: tennis shoes, loafers, dock shoes, etc. I even bought a pair myself when I had shoulder surgery and one arm was in a sling for six weeks.