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Bedroom help

Denise Demback

Getting into and out of bed, rolling over in bed, and just not getting comfortable to sleep. Let’s take a look at some things that can help.

I don’t know when in the past few years that beds got so high. You have to jump in and worry about turning your ankle getting out.

I found this step stool on Amazon and we used it for quite awhile:

We recently bought a new mattress that doesn’t need a box spring so we can actually sit down on our bed. I strapped it to our bed so it wouldn’t move and the handles helped him pull up out of bed as well.

Some folks have trouble rolling over in bed. I saw this company on Facebook that makes sheets for that purpose. We tried them and they worked fairly well but when we changed mattresses recently, we couldn’t use the ones we bought. The company is called Comfort Linen and their website is Check them out if you are having this problem.

Finally, I am a big fan of lift chairs. We have one in our bedroom and one in our living room. When my husband can’t get comfortable in bed at night, he sometimes moves over to the lift chair. He watches television in the living room one all day. Helps him get up and down easily and reclines so he can sleep in it as well. Besche Furniture on Route 9 has many options to try. It is important to try them. They all sit differently and it is different where your head rests, etc. Please don’t buy one without trying it first.



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